Sunday, April 29, 2012

Whores or Pimps ?

I have a question for J. R. McCulloch, (1789-1864)  the first professor of political economy of the University College London. He astonishingly, wrote this,180 years ago;  
Principle, and her Pimp
    Taxation of Income Impractical
    "The tax would fall with its full weight upon men of integrity, while the millionaire of “easy virtue” would well nigh escape it altogether. It would, in fact, be a tax on honesty, and a bounty on perjury and fraud; and, if carried to any considerable height—to such a height as to render it a prominent source of income—it would undoubtedly generate the most barefaced prostitution of principle, and would do much to obliterate that nice sense of honour which is the very foundation of national probity and virtue."   
    (Economist 04/28/2012 and Wikipeida)

My question is, "If you were alive today would this mean you think the Governor of Florida, most of the candidates for president and a great many similar politicians and/or wealthy people on Wall Street, etc., are prostitutes?  And if you do, would this mean that  the oil industry,and all the other companies who are able to obscenely flourish in our democracy by avoiding paying taxes, that they should care  more for our country?  Or, do you think all of the above, along with their lobbyists . . . . . we should just shove them into a category of pimps?

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Monday, April 9, 2012

New Cancer Treatment

Targeted nanoparticles show success in clinical trials  Targeting Lung, Breast, Prostate and other tumors.

Tiny particles designed to home in on cancer cells achieve tumor shrinkage at lower doses than traditional chemotherapy.
An artist's rendering of BIND-014.
Image: Digizyme, Inc.

In the study, which appears April 4 in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the researchers demonstrate the particles’ ability to target a receptor found on cancer cells and accumulate at tumor sites. The particles were also shown to be safe and effective: Many of the patients’ tumors shrank as a result of the treatment, even when they received lower doses than those usually administered.

This information is from the MIT information services. 
To read the full article, click link below;

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